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Saturday, 11 June 2011

zodiac signs and their corresponding herbs

Now, I will cover the additional zodiac signs and their corresponding herbs:
Aries- Aries governs the HEAD. People born under this sign are prone to headaches or head injuries.
Herbs- Aloe, Basil, Cayenne, Wormwood, Garlic, Terragon and Hawthorn.
Taurus- Taurus governs the NECK and THROAT. If you were born under this sign then you are more susceptible to sore throat, thyroid problems and colds.
Herbs- Peppermint, Thyme, Catnip, Motherwort and Raspberry.
Gemini-Gemini governs the SHOULDERS, ARMS, HANDS and LUNGS. Geminis are susceptible to repertory ailments and accidents involving the shoulders, lungs, arms and hands.
Herbs- Dill, Caraway, Fennel, Oregano, Lavender, Parsley, Fenugreek and Valerian
Cancer- Cancer governs the BREAST and STOMACH. If you were born under this sign you are susceptible to digestive ailments caused by emotional stress and tension.
Herbs- Chick weed and Clary Sage
Leo- Leo governs the SPINE, HEART & BACK. Leo people are prone to experiencing problems specific to these areas.
Herbs- St.Johns Wort, Chamomile, Eyebright and Bay
Virgo- Virgo governs the INESTINE and NERVOUS SYSTEM. Virgoans are prone to ulcers and illnesses caused by stress.
Herbs- Dill, Caraway, Fennel, Oregano, Lavender, Parsley, Fenugreek and Valerian
Libra- Libra governs the BUTTOCKS, KIDNEY and LOWER BACK. If you were born under the sign Libra you are prone to kidney infections and lower back problems.
Herbs- Peppermint, Burdock, Catnip Feverfew and Raspberry
Scorpio- Scorpio governs the GENITALS. If you were born under the sign Scorpio then you are more than likely prone to having infections in the urinary system.
Herbs- Aloe, Catmint, Basil, Cayenne, Wormwood
Sagittarius- Sagittarius governs the HIPS, LIVER and THIES. Sagittarians have a sensitive liver and need a lot of physical exercise to stay healthy.
Herbs- Sage, Jasmine, Lemon Balm, Dandelion, Hyssop and Mellissa
Capricorn- Capricorn governs the JOINTS, BONES and KNEES. If you are born under this sign then you are more susceptible to arthritis, orthopedic and joint problems.
Herbs- Slippery Elm, Comfrey, Mullein
Aquarius- Aquarius governs the SHINS, ANKLES and CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Aquarians are susceptible to hardening of the arteries, sprains and varicose veins.
Herbs- Sage, Rosemary, Fennel, Mint
Pisces- Pisces governs the FEET and the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. Pisceans are prone to corns, bunions and foot aches.
Herbs- Basil, Lemon Balm, Clove, Sage, Nutmeg, Borage.

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