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Tuesday 2 August 2011

Remedies of Water on your Planet :-

As per your planet, follow simple steps & make your life easiest. 

01) Sun : - Take white glass bottle with water and put in the sunlight, before sunrise. UpTo 2 hrs then take it and drink this water for hall day. Specially on Sunday

02) Moon : - Take white glass bottle with water and put in the moonlight before moonrise and take it before sunrise then drink this water hall day specially do on Sunday night.

03) Mars : -
Take red bottle with water put in moon light on Tuesday night and take after 1hrs of sun rising then drink it

04) Mercury; -Take green bottle put on moon light at the night of Wednesday and take before sun rising and drink this water.

05) Jupiter : - YELLOW bottle put with water in the night of Thursday and take after one hrs of sun rising time then drink it

06) Venus : - Pink bottle put in the moon light at the time of Friday night and take before sun rising and drink it.

07) Saturn : - Take glass blue or black bottle put at nighttime of Saturday and take it before sun rising and drink this water.
08) Dragon head : - Take the glass bottle of brown put on Saturday night to Sunday evening time then take it and drink the water.

09) Dragon tail : - Take the red glass bottle put it on the night of Monday and take it on sunset time of next day. Then drink the water.

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