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Tuesday, 14 June 2011

उपाय upay

 The following are the significations of planets and remedial measures:

The Sun Wheat, Red Copper (Worship of Vishnu)
The Moon Rice, Milk, Silver (Worship of Shiva; personal god)
Mars Masoor (Red) Dahl (Hanuman worship)
Mercury Moong (not pulse) (Worship of Durga)
Jupiter Pulse gram; Gold (Worship of Vishnu)
Venus Butter curd, camphor, Pearls ( feeding people)
Saturn Urad (Black dahl); Blacksmith (Worship the King)
Rahu Mustard; Sapphire (arranging marriage of girls)
Ketu Give a virgin cow in charity;
The remedial measures in the Lal Kitab are also very specific in terms of recommendations for adverse effects if a planet is afflicted in one of twelve houses. These are too detailed to list here, but general remedies for each planets are listed as follows:
For Jupiter:
1) Fasting on Thursdays
2) Worshipping Lord Hari (Vishnu) or watering (Peepal) tree
3) Wearing topaz or tying a haldi piece in a yellow thread around the right arm.
4) Service of Brahman, family priest, or a Sadhu.
5) Reciting the Garuda Purana.
6) Planting yellow flower plants
7) If Jupiter is debilitated, give in charity the commodities belonging to Jupiter.
For Sun:
1) Fasting on Sundays
2) Reciting or listening to Harivamsha Purana.
3) Wheat, jaggery or copper to be given in charity.
4) Maintaining good moral character.
5) Wearing Ruby or in place of Ruby copper can be used.
6) Throwing copper coin into flowing water.
7) Keep main entrance from east.
8) Keep away from black marketing and black marketers.
9) Service of government officials.
10) Do NOT give in alms the article pertaining to the Sun if the Sun is exalted.
For Moon:
1) Keep fast on Monday.
2) Worship Lord Shiva or go on pilgrimage to Amarnath.
3) Milk, rice or silver to be given in alms.
4) Wear a white milky pearl, or silver can be worn.
5) Blessing of mother or any ancestral female relative.
6) Silver nails in the feet of the bed.
7) Silver or rice to be dropped in the Crematorium
8) Taking bath in Ganges or running water.
9) No water pump or well under the roof.
10) Give things pertaining to the Moon in charity when it is in debility, but not when in exaltation.
For Venus:
1) Fast on Friday.
2) Ghee, curd, camphor to be given in places of worship.
3) Wear diamond or pearl.
4) Perfume clothes using cream and face powder.
5) Clothes should be clean and ironed.
6) Worn out clothes or burnt clothes should never be warn.
For Mars:
1) Fast on Tuesday.
2) Worship of Lord Hanuman.
3) Throw masoor (red dahl) into water.
4) Work in the service of brother.
5) Sleeping on deer skin.
6) Use pure silver.
For Mercury
1) Fast on Wednesdays
2) Give green things in alms or drop these in running water.
3) Copper coin with a hole to be dropped in running water.
4) Service of or domesticating goat and parrot.
5) Bangles and clothes of green color to be given to Eunuchs (in the modern day, this would have to be people with low sex drives or impotent or frigid individuals).
6) If Mercury is in debility, give away in alms the things of Mercury, but never when Mercury is in exaltation.
7) Blessing s of daughter, sister, father's sister, and wife's sister. These individuals should also be helped to the maximum extent possible.

For Saturn:
1) Fasting on Saturdays.
2) Bhairon (Bairava, the awful form of Lord Shiva), and giving wine to him in the Bhairon temple.
3) Milk for the serpents (give someone's iguana or pet snake some milk)
4) Distribute oil and wine free of charge.
5) Loaf of bread with mustard oil to be given to dogs and crows.
For Rahu:
1) Use remedies involving silver when mental peace is disturbed.
2) Red colored grains may be given to cleaners, or sweepers, or those who perform that work may be helped in other ways
3) Barley or wheat equal to the weight of the sick person should be dropped in running water.
4) Barley should be kept under the bead on the side of the head in the night and be distributed in the morning to the poor.
5) To solve problems or business or trade with the government, charcoal equal to the weight of the native should be dropped in running water.
6. Worship Saraswati.
7. Never accept electrical items, steel vessels or blue clothes.
8. Wear black onyx.
9. Live in a joint family.
10. Never use tobacco
For Ketu:
1) When Ketu is giving bad results the native should not let out his secrets or bemoan his ill luck before any body because then the effects will be manifold.
2) When progeny is affected by a badly placed Ketu, one should give a blanket to a temple.
3) Lime and bananas should be given in charity.
4) White and black pet dog in the house or feeding such a dog daily.
5) Sour things to be given to female children below the age of nine years.
6) Black and white items (til) to be dropped in water.

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