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Thursday, 16 June 2011

how to earn money and how to save it properly and maintain its flow?

 how to earn money and how to save it properly and maintain its flow?

Every morning rub your two hands together and for a few seconds look at your palms!! 2nd , 6th , 9th house are very important. They must be strong for money prospects. Any one of these houses is bad, then money may come, but you might not be able to maintain it well. People having one of these houses bad, are generally Pseudo Rich. Besides these three houses, Jupiter's condition must also be strong in the chart coz Mars, Saturn and Rahu may bring lots of money for you but it's Jupiter that maintains it.

If you're unable to use money (like, if you're miser) despite having lots of money, then it means your Venus is bad. This is also a kind of 'Daridra Yoga' i.e. having lots of money but still not being able to use it ....You or your don't house don't look 'prosperous' at all, in that case, your venus is bad. So, the condition of venus needs to be good, if you want to 'enjoy' your money.

Special Mantra: Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Guruve Namah

A remedy for Pitra Dosha, this mantra if chanted regularly, can help you get rid of all kinds of problems in life. Prosperity, peace and harmony are also maintained well in the home through the chant of this mantra.

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