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Monday 5 September 2011



Sagittarius, is the ninth zodiac sign. This is ruled by Jupiter thats why it is a freedom-loving sign. This sign is the lord of fortune and also expansion. Jupiter is also considered as ruler. The key phrase of Sagittarians, is "I see".

The hunter (archer) and the centaur mythical half-man, half-horse, are a the symbols for Sagittarius. These denote the search for truth and knowledge, as well as the constant pursuit of knowledge, adventure and new ideas.They have an intellectual curiosity which covers a wide range of subjects, but such people do get bored and become restless when surrounded by dull people or circumstances.

Sagittarians learn on their own, rather than classroom and routine work assignments.They like to learn with their own experiences.They also love to travel and lean things in their own way. However, having broadened their knowledge and having gained experience in the world on their own, they can become excellent teachers or administrators in the same educational system which they once found so restricting.

Sagittarians , does not hesitate to give an honest opinion, which maybe tactless at times. Although they rarely intend to be cruel. Sagittarian people have a ready wit and appreciate the humour in even the grimmest of situations.

External rulership-Sagittarius Rules the Hips
As we know that each sign has internal, external and structural rulerships.So, Externally, Sagittarius rules the region around the hips, muscles, gluteal, thighs and has considerable influence over the muscles in general.

Internally, it has ruler ship of the sciatic nerve, iliac arteries and veins and have considerable influence on the liver, lungs and motor nerves.

Structurally, it rules the four coccy geal vertebrae, sacral bones and femur.

Usually Sagittarius people have diseases related to the hips and thighs. Injuries in these areas is common, especially if horse-riding is involved. The pain of sciatica is also associated with this sign.

The expansive, pleasure loving influence of Jupiter inclines to the excessive consumption of rich food and drink, sometimes leading to arthritic pains in the hips. Since Sagittarius is a fire sign, the tendency to feverish complaints is also seen.

Colors of Sagittarius-
Sagittarius rules the colours maroon, tan, orange, navy and cobalt blue. Sagittarian people also respond well to the scarlet ray.

Sagittarius Birthstone
The birthstone for Sagittarius is the lapis lazuli. Sagittarius also responds to the energies of topaz, chlorite, turquoise and red tourmaline. Remember only to wear these stones if recommended by an astrologer.

Flowers and Herbs
calendula, hydrangeas, rosemary, carnations, dahlias, peonies,hydrangeas and rosemary.
Bach Flower Essences
Cerato (Hornwort)
Distrust of self, doubt about one's ability, foolishness, always seeks advice from others.
Larch (Pine family)
Lack of confidence, anticipation of failure, despondency, procrastination.
Homeopathic Medicine
Used in the treatment of sore throats, tonsillitis, toothaches, bad breath.
Metal: pewter
Cell Salt: silica
Healing Musical Note: G# (G sharp)
Healing Aromas
Bergamot, calendula, clove, lemon balm, mace, nutmeg, oak moss, rosemary, saffron.

Avoid stimulants and intoxicants. This is a fiery, hot and choleric sign which is better suited to a vegetarian diet. Cooling fruits like citrus, bananas and berries benefit.
Nerve building foods like oats, wheat and barley are important. Drink plenty of water since the hot constitution can dehydrate quickly.
Salt, which damages the bones and blood should be avoided.
Other suitable foods are asparagus, red cabbage,corn, endive cucumber and apples.

Susceptible Areas: Heart, belly

• disorders of the arms, hip joints, sciatica, spinal disorders, rheumatism;
• nervous disorders, hypersensitivity;
• baldness; heart disease;
• bronchitis, tuberculosis;
• abnormal breathing patterns;
• eye disorders.

Karmic Tendencies
Religious and intellectual delusion
Can have injuries while traveling.

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