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Monday 5 September 2011


Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. This intellectual and unorthodox sign is ruled by Saturn  and Uranus (sudden changes; unexpected upheavals). The key phrase for Aquarius is "I know".

Saturn, considered the great malefic, harbinger of stasis and disease and also the planet of structure and reality, is the traditional ruler of Aquarius. This is the sign of deep intellect and the struggle for freedom from restriction. Aquarius is often emotionally detached.

The new-age ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, planet of eccentrics and the unorthodox. Aquarians express Uranian qualities by being unpredictable, determined and stubborn. Aquarians consequently favour the unique, as well as the traditional. They often adopt lifestyles and ideas that run counter to current trends. They are unorthodox, passionate, investigative & conscious of human abilities.

The appearance of calmness is deceptive, as they are often nervous and apprehensive. Women of this sign often exaggerate their problems to the point of getting ill.

Aquarius Rules the Ankles

Each sign has an external, internal and structural rulership. Externally this sign rules the calves, tibia and ankles. Internally, Sun in Aquarius rules the circulation, breath and eyesight; structurally, the bones of the lower limbs. It is closely associated with the blood and circulation, with a tendency toward impure blood.

The pathological action of Aquarius is towards nervousness, gloom and sensitivity leading to habits and fixed ideas that make disease persist and linger. Aquarians are prone to varicose veins, hypertension and heart problems.

Aquarius rules shins, ankles, and the circulatory system, while cramps, allergies, sudden illness and freak accidents are common for those with Aquarius active in their charts. They may also suffer from various nervous disorders.
Colors of Aquarius
Aquarius rules the colours silver, aqua and purple, as well as the new neon shades of pink and blue. Aquarian people also respond well to the energy-boosting ray of red.

Aquarius Birthstone
The birthstone for Aquarius is the amethyst. Aquarius also responds to the energies of haematite, graphite and bloodstone. Remember only to wear these stones if you want to bring their influence into your life.

Flowers and Herbs
lavender, tiger lily, trillium, bird of paradise, verbena and jack-in-the-pulpit.
Bach Flower Essences
Chestnut Bud
Failure to learn from past experiences, repeats mistakes, fails to see present circumstances, impatient.
Irritability, mental tension, impulsiveness.
Homoeopathic Remedy
Arsenicum album
Used in the treatment of food poisoning, conjunctivitis, influenza.
Metal: Uranium
Cell Salt: nat mur
Healing Musical Note: G
Healing Aromas
Costmary, hops, lavender, lemon verbena, parsley, patchouli, pine, star anise, sweet pea.

Foods which stimulate blood circulation, like chilli and cayenne peppers, as well as brain and nerve foods, like wheat grass, oats and barley, are indicated for Aquarius.
Red-coloured foods like beets, radishes, peppers, saffron, strawberries, etc. are beneficial.
Iron and magnesium values should be attended to.
Regular breathing exercises, like yoga and ch'i kung are vital to keep the blood pure and prevent gloom and oversensitivity due to unregulated breath.
Water should be well oxygenated but avoid spring and carbonated waters. Expose the water to red rays for vital warmth and blood building qualities.
Recuperation comes through mental relaxation and a change of scenery.
Susceptible Areas: kidneys, sex organs

·        weak or impure blood, poor oxygenation, arteriosclerosis, cardiac oedema, heart disease, venous disorders, varicose veins;
·        rheumatism, spasmodic disorders, spinal disorders;
·        oedema, swelling of the feet/ankles;
·        backache; hypersensitivity;
·        lymphatic stasis;
·        weak vision;
·        genital infections.
Karmic Tendencies
Emotional detachment
advanced thinking

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