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Friday 1 July 2011



The CAREER is located North corner of your home and/or business. In the individual rooms it is located in the front middle section of the Bagua. This is the area where your career reigns. Remember that just because someone is working as a waiter, it does not meant that is their career. They may be a student studying psychology. Thus, psychologist is their career. However, since waiter is the present career, it is be beneficial to enhance it, too.

Enhancing Colors:
Blues, & Black

  • Element: "Water"
  • Based King Wen (Later Heaven)
  • Nature: "Water"
  • Personality: "Abysmal"
  • Season: "Winter"
  • Family: "Middle Son"
  • Meaning: "Danger, rapid rivers, the abyss, the moon"
  • Number: "1"

Enhancing Tips:

  • Hang wind chimes outside your front door to bring in more opportunities or a promotion.

  • Hang a brightly colored flag, windsock or banner in your front yard.

  • Place a birdbath or feeder in the yard to attract wild life, which will increase the amount of energy around your home.

  • Terrapins are believed to bring wonderful luck to their owner's career. So either hang a picture of one on the North wall of your Career corner or better yet, keep a single terrapin or tortoise there.

  • Write down what you would most like to do if making money did not matter. Place it in several locations so you see it often and ask for Divine assistance in creating it. Remember to be grateful.

  • Made sure your address is clearly visible from the street during the day and lit at night if possible.

  • Clear out any clutter or plant debris that may be in your yard. Clutter blocks the flow of energy and limits the opportunities.

  • Put a colorful and inviting welcome mat at the front door.

  • Place a water fountain or water bubbler or fountain in the area to symbolize that you are going in the right direction.

  • Spring house clean, even if it's winter. No time like the present, and clutter limits our choices.

  • Place a heavy object at the base of the stair to slow down the waterfall of energy flowing down the stairs, like a large plant or statue.

  • Make sure all doors open fully, if not it could limit your opportunities.

  • When placing furniture in a room, remember, less is always best. Too much furniture makes us feel cramped and restricts the flow of energy.

  • Try and keep the bare walls in your home to a minimum, it could make us feel as we have very few choices or none at all.

  • Make sure all clocks are in working order, if not fix them or give them away, it could feel like there is never enough time or like time is standing still.

  • Make sure there is lots of color where ever you are working, colors stimulate and rejuvenate your mental abilities.

  • If possible, place your desk with the best overall view of the room and the door. If you can place your desk in the far left corner, the wealth area, all the better for you.

  • Use a blue or black rug at your front door to symbolically allow the opportunities to flow in like water.

  • Mirrors here will reflect your personal path.

  • Symbols having to do with your career or chosen career path.

  • Print and frame the job description you want, and place it here to remind you of your chosen career path.

  • A green plant here will symbolize career growth.

  • A framed positive affirmation will remind you of your true path.

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